
We ship your Brass & Steel pan unseasoned but coated with beeswax to protect it from rust and oxidation during transit. Before your first use, it's important to remove the beeswax and season your pan to build a natural non-stick surface. Follow the simple steps below to prepare your pan for a lifetime of great cooking!

1. Remove the Beeswax Coating

  • Thoroughly wash the pan in warm, soapy water.
  • Use a scrub brush or sponge to scrub off all the beeswax.
  • Rinse thoroughly to ensure no residue remains.

2. Dry the Pan

  • Immediately dry the pan with a lint-free cloth or paper towel to prevent rust.

3. Preheat Your Oven

  • Set your oven to 200°C (400°F).

4. Heat the Pan to Ensure It's Dry

  • Place the pan in the oven, upside down, for about 10 minutes to fully dry and warm up.

5. Apply Oil

  • Remove the pan from the oven carefully (it will be hot).
  • Choose a high smoke point oil, such as:
    • Grapeseed oil
    • Avocado oil
    • Sunflower oil
    • Rapeseed (canola) oil
  • Avoid olive oil or animal fats, as they can burn or create a sticky surface.

6. Coat the Pan Evenly

  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of oil to the pan.
  • Using a paper towel, spread the oil over the entire surface, including the sides and handle.
  • The goal is to have a thin, even layer – too much oil will result in a sticky pan.

7. Wipe Off Excess Oil

  • Use a clean paper towel to remove any excess oil.
  • The pan should look barely coated – a thick layer will create uneven seasoning.

8. Bake the Pan

  • Place the pan back in the oven, upside down, for 30 minutes.
  • You can place a baking tray or foil underneath to catch any drips.

9. Repeat the Process

  • After 30 minutes, remove the pan.
  • Use another paper towel to wipe off any remaining excess oil.
  • Place the pan back in the oven, upside down, for another 30 minutes.

10. Cool Down

  • Turn off the oven and let the pan cool inside naturally.

Your Pan is Ready!

Your carbon steel pan is now seasoned and ready to use. For best results:
For the first few cooks, make fatty foods (e.g., bacon, steak, fried eggs) to strengthen the seasoning.
Avoid acidic foods (e.g., tomatoes, vinegar, wine) at first, as they can strip the seasoning.

Induction Cooktop Users

  • Avoid using high power settings, especially when the pan is cold and empty, as this can cause warping.
  • Even for searing, medium heat is sufficient on induction stovetops.

Enjoy cooking with your new carbon steel pan! Over time, the seasoning will improve, making it naturally non-stick and incredibly durable.